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Friday, May 9, 2008

The End Of The Clinton Era

If ever the words rang true, "a picture tells a thousand words", I think its safe to say-The Clinton era is over! The Clinton's have been a Democratic fixture for almost 20 years and have truly transformed the party and the country (good, bad or indifferent), for that matter. Cronism, kick backs, arm twisting, elitistism is (so 80's & so Clintonian). It's now time for a CHANGE and a new vision to lead the Democratic party and the country into this global world.

However, it's worth noting the many errors, mistakes and or blunders that the Clinton campaign made. First and foremost, the word "entitlement" comes to mind. Senator Clinton (in my opinion), underestimated her competition and exuded this entitlement attitude. Quite evident in the way she ran her campaign after her loss in Iowa. Once reality settled and New Hampshire was at risk, Clinton appeared desperate and un-presidential. Then Super Tuesday steam rolled in and it was evident, Senator Clinton lost her footing, as the "in-experienced" Clinton staffers, continued to change the finish line. It was very apparent Senator Clinton had no idea the race would go past Iowa and it was apparent to anyone with eyes to see! Also, I really don't understand why the Clinton campaign did not utilize the "internet contributions", the way the Obama campaign seemed to seize the opportunity. The old days of the "elite" donors for the Clinton's, fell short this election, so evident in the reason why they're broke today-Can you say Terry McCulliffe?

Next, Senator Clinton seemed to not find her voice until late in the game. Unfortunately, a desperate campaign tend to send out "loud mouthed" surrogates, to do the dirty work (Bob Johnson and Geraldine Ferraro's) negative behavior comes to mind. Not a good sign from a candidate who touts "being ready on day 1". Why she ran on experience and the days of the past is amazing to me. The American people in overwhelming numbers "begged" for change. So, why run on a Washingtonion platform? It's a sad day in politics when the American people begin to think the former first lady, New York Senator, turned presidential candidate; will say and do whatever it takes to win the ticket. After all, perception is reality.

Finally, former President Clinton's-Jesse Jackson's remarks and the way he ran his campaign in South Carolina, mobilized the "black vote" against them! How ironic, since former President Clinton was the supposed "1st Black President". I can go on and on, but what's evident to me and a host of other Americans-the Clinton's got OUT CAMPAIGNED (by newcomer, Senator Barack Obama) and his CHANGE MACHINE! The political support the Clinton's honed in once upon a time, is defecting, ever so rapidly. So where are we?

It's now time to unify the nation and take back the White House in November. Americans are tired of the bickering, fighting, political scandals and the "old politics" of yesterday. No more gimmicks, no more taking voters for granted, no more assuming the American people are SHEEP! Real change is difficult and Senator Obama is only the vessel that change will appear on. Real change will come when republicans and democratics, liberals and conservatives, black, white, brown and yellow, men and women; ALL work together as AMERICANS!

I only hope the Clinton's exit strategy is the same as their entrance strategy almost 20 years ago; with class, dignity and alittle humility (NOT)!

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